Liquid Studios has begun work on a proposed
childrens television show: Grim Cove. The show, which
will feature a whole host of weird and bizarre characters,
tells the story of Vincent, a recently orphaned city boy,
sent to live with a strange old uncle in the fictional coastal
town of Grim Cove.

Each episode will tell a self contained
whilst moving forward the shows central
theme of Vincents quest to find out more about what
happened to his parents.
Grim Cove is being developed using Electric
Images Universe, Adobe Final Cut Pro, Macromedia Flash
and Digidesigns Protools and then converted to Flash
format, allowing it to be delivered over both the internet
and television.
We are actively looking for funding for
this project at the moment. Should you wish to contact us
regarding Grim Cove and any current opportunities for involvement,
please contact us at: